Practical Nonduality An exploration of nonduality and what its popularity says about where our planet is headed. Unity
A Month of Eckhart Poetic revoicings of the writings of mystic Meister Eckhart with commentaries and related practices. Joy
Lent with the Mystics On Demand: An exploration of the great themes of Lent through the lens primarily (but not exclusively) of the Christian mystics. X-The Mystery
Utmost Charity: A Call to Deeper Love On Demand: An exploration of how we can live an inside-out life rooted and grounded in Love and for Love. Love
Listening as a Spiritual Practice Ways to help build relationships, connections, and community by enhancing our capacity to listen to one another. Listening
Myth and Psyche On-Demand: E-course on how myths are the powerful mysteries that infuse and shape our lives. Meaning
The Practice of Finding Spiritual reflections and practices to help you know that the gifts we have received are more cherished than the ones you’ve been seeking. Gratitude
Contemplative Writing 52 emails (a year's worth) with prompts and ways to practice writing reflectively. Meaning
Forgiveness: A Growth in Love Instructions in the Prayer of Forgiveness, a divine gift of love that helps us discover our true nature. Forgiveness
The Mystery of Death An exploration for these pandemic times of a mystical text that restores the big picture around death. Transformation
Mystical Hope Today A quest to discover the mysterious, replenishing hope already available to us. Hope
A Journey through the Monastic Heart Spiritual practices for all seekers of a contemplative and fulfilling life. Devotion
Protestant Spirituality Essays and suggestions exploring a toolkit of practices from the major Protestant traditions. Faith
Revelations of 12 Living Artists Insights from the lives and works of contemporary painters and sculptors. Imagination
Spiritual Gifts from the Imaginal Realm A 13-part program exploring the lost art of imaginal exchange — i.e., the giving and receiving of spiritual nurturance. Imagination
The Spirituality of Cats Lessons from two cats tied to the wisdom and practices of the world's spiritual traditions. Reverence
Dark Nights of the Soul Concrete ways to make sense of dark nights like the COVID-19 pandemic and discover life-transforming benefits from them. Transformation
Practical Wisdom from Six Legendary Yogis The fascinating lives and groundbreaking teachings of six teachers from India. Teachers
Guidelines for Christian Life, Growth, and Transformation A practice of Lectio Divina, designed for Lent but meaningful at any time of year. Devotion
Revelations of 12 Master Artists How paintings speak to our perceptions of self, vision, and meaning. Vision
Time Out of Ordinary Time Practices to comfort, nourish, and prepare us to re-dream the world in a time of pandemic. Vision
Benedictine Spirituality Using the Rule of Benedict as a guide to a more purposeful way of being in our time of global transformation. Meaning
Promises of the Heart The centrality in all traditions of a metaphor that calls us to prayer, reconciliation, joy, and service. Joy
The Spirituality of St. Francis A spiritual journey to see how the spirit of Francis of Assisi has the power to liberate our lives today. Teachers
Centering Prayer as a Way of Life An e-course about Centering Prayer's profound influence on intentions, attitudes, and actions. Being Present
Living with Beauty Reflections on beauty's transforming possibilities, even in times of darkness and tragedy. Beauty
The Rise of Spiritual Intelligence An opportunity to develop a deeper, more authentic spiritual practice, leading to clarified insight about what you are being called to do. Transformation
Wisdom of the Christian Mystics A celebration of some of the women and men who have explored the Mystery of life. Faith
Twenty Strategies for Healing Recovering life's wholeness and holiness. Compassion
The Power of Reflection Guidance for and examples of a practice for self-recollection and self-remembrance. Being Present
Centering Prayer as Purification, Illumination, Union An e-course on Centering Prayer as a way to awaken us to the immense love at the heart of all creation. Unity
Seven Keys to an Innovative Life Improv, storytelling, integrating opposites, and other tools to live a more flexible life. Imagination
Spiritual Literacy Films, reflections, and practice prompts to deepen your awareness of everyday spirituality. Meaning
Centering Prayer as Practice and Process Essential teachings on establishing or renewing this method of contemplative prayer. Silence
A Universal Christmas Embracing the wonder and magic of the Christmas spirit. Wonder
Poetry and Prayer from the Celtic Tradition Wisdom and lore from the Celts for every seeker. Devotion
A Renaissance of Rituals An array of rituals that ground our yearnings and our devotion in concrete activities. Meaning
A Blessed Life Ten guiding principles -- Paramitas -- from the Buddha. Kindness
Pop Music Spirituality An e-course exploring touches of transcendence in popular music. Imagination
Ninety-Nine Names of God A journey of discovery and renewal with the Qualities of God revered in Islam/Sufism. Devotion
The Spiritual Legacy of Reb Zalman An exploration of the life and thought of the grandfather of the Jewish Renewal movement. Vision
Pilgrimage as a Journey of the Heart An exploration of many dimensions of pilgrimages for those called to the journey today. Questing
Meeting and Romancing Your Shadow An e-course on illuminating the dark side of the soul. Shadow
Nine Promises of Lent A fresh approach to Lent through the lens of process thought. Connections
Lux Divina: An Advent Journey Reflections on the great themes of Advent to enrich the contemplative life. Wonder
A Journey of Discernment An e-course to learn to contemplatively discern the small and large decisions in life. Attention
Living La Vida Yoga Practical tips from the yoga tradition for every spiritual path. Transformation
Celtic Spirituality An e-course exploring Celtic wisdom and poetry X-The Mystery
Ignatian Spirituality for Everyday Life A journey of exploration into this practical approach to Christian spirituality. Meaning
Fostering Your Prophetic Imagination An e-course for finding the right metaphors -- in images and words -- that give voice to your soul. Vision
The Mindful Life An e-course on how to bring the practice of mindfulness into everyday activities. Being Present
Gifts of a Scarred Soul An e-course on how the spiritual challenge of struggle transforms us. Transformation
A Field Guide to Solitude A pathway to being alone that brings you closer to wholeness, wisdom, and well-being. Silence
The Miracle of Breath An e-course guide to breathing practice for personal healing, social engagement, and spiritual deepening. Being Present
Becoming Truly Human: Gurdjieff's Obligolnian Strivings A Lenten study of George Ivanovich Gurdjieff's Five Strivings. Attention
The Transformation of Suffering Soul-stirring meditations on art and other practices for an intentional journey during Lent. Questing
Lumen Divinum: A Retreat for Advent A delving into the great themes of Advent including wisdom, light, unity, beauty, incarnation. Wonder
Teilhard for Our Times A view into the heart and vision of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. Vision
Finding Peace in Turbulent Times An exploration of why peace has been elusive and how we can find it in our lives and the world. Peace
Lovingkindness Meditation Step-by-step instructions in the classic Buddhist practice for being kind in expanding circles, starting with yourself. Kindness
As It Is: Spiritual Journaling Guidance on using spiritual journaling to explore interior, interpersonal, social, and sacred realities. You
Every Body's Prayer: Expressing Faith through Movement An exploration of the role of movement in personal faith and communal worship. Being Present
The Gift of Life A contemplative engagement with the great themes of Lent as a way of seeing, reflecting, and then living them in your own life. Transformation
Journey into Mercy An e-course flowing from the 2016 Jubilee Year of Mercy called by Pope Francis. Compassion
One Love: Navigating Life by Heart Teachings and practices on embodied spirituality, our ethical compass, longing for God, and unity. Love
Lovingkindness A classic Buddhist practice that shows you how to be kind in expanding circles, starting with yourself. Kindness
Intercessory Prayer Guidance on the most common and most misunderstood form of prayer plus ways to expand the focus of your prayers. Compassion
The Liberating Promise of Mindfulness Teachings about moment-to-moment awareness, a Buddhist practice that can dramatically enhance the way we live. Attention
InterSpiritual Meditation Key understandings behind and instructions for a universal seven-step practice drawn from the world's spiritual traditions. Unity
Pausing An invitation to embrace a new paradigm of becoming more by doing less, practicing self-care, and really paying attention. Being Present
Creating Your Life Wise insights and practical steps to help you move towards a genuine feeling of satisfaction, depth, and worth. You
Contemplative Discernment Guidance on a process for opening and listening to receive clues about who we are in God. Listening
Centering Prayer Teachings about a no-frills form of meditation which reconnects directly to Christianity’s hidden treasury of mystical wisdom. Transformation
Child of the Light An Advent retreat creating a quiet haven away from holiday busyness where you can reflect upon readings, prayers, and hymns. Faith
Beyond Recovery The Twelve Steps applied to the addiction from which almost all of us suffer: the addiction to control. Transformation
Praying for Justice and Peace Prayer practices to cultivate a powerful, peaceful response to injustices, conflicts, and violence. Justice
Living the Hours A journey through the monastic practice of punctuating each day with eight points of prayer. Being Present
Trusting in Life Video talks by the Benedictine brother and texts exploring faith as a deeply rooted attitude towards life. Faith
Practicing the Presence of God Ways to make every moment of your life into a sacrament of communion with the Divine. Being Present
Ways to Pray from Around the World How to incorporate 12 creative spiritual practices from different cultures and religious traditions into your prayer life. Devotion
Engaging Hope Ways to become aware of the opportunity that a given moment offers, freeing us from predictability. Hope
Discovering What's Enough Guidance for identifying what you really need and what is a sufficiently beautiful contribution to the world. Vision
Choosing to Love An exploration of the deep experience of belonging. Love
Presence - Relationship with Divine Love Practices from fourteen centuries of Sufi wisdom universally relevant across spiritual traditions. Being Present
The Way of the Spiritually Independent An email retreat for the growing number of seekers without borders drawn to wisdom wherever it may be found. Questing
Mastering the Art of Resilience Guidance for coping with and rebounding from adversity in a wide variety of situations. Transformation
Advent of the Heart An exploration of the Path of Heartfulness, coming into a deep awareness of the love of God. Faith
Photography as a Spiritual Path Essays and exercises to help you make the finding and taking of pictures part of your contemplative practice and your activist activities. Imagination
Crafting Your Own Religion How to work with time-honored elements to create a personal religion out of your own experience and inspiration. You
Releasing the Contemplative in You Wisdom and practices revealing the role of reading and writing on a contemplative journey. Devotion
The Grace of Lent Contemplative meditations on art and other practices for an intentional journey on the path of divine love. Grace
Lectio Divina The ancient practice of praying the Scriptures, a way of sacred listening rediscovered and renewed in our time. Meaning
Lean In, Lighten Up and Let Go An interactive online retreat to encourage a life of prayer and practice both on the chair and in daily life. Play
Walking on Sacred Earth Contemplative engagement practices and intentional walks for experiencing nature as fully alive and spiritually radiant. Wonder
Transformative Travel A satchel-full of practices, rituals, and tricks of attention to give your next journey the most meaning, joy, and significance. Questing
Remembrance - The Spiritual Practice of Zhikr A Sufi practice to develop continuous awareness of divine support through the knowing of the heart. Beauty
The Holy Fool A chance to lighten up your spiritual life by embracing mistakes, imperfection, and silly possibilities. Play
Zen and Everyday Life A variety of Zen practices designed to help you clear away confusion and express your unique response to what's happening all around you. Attention
Spiritual Practices from the Gurdjieff Work A practical exploration of the enigmatic teacher's transformative practices for attention and self-remembering. Attention
Holy Silence: The Quaker Way Ways to access the quiet inner place where God grants us insights, guidance, and understanding of truth. Silence
Silence and the Spiritual Journey A Lenten retreat on the traditional signposts of a spiritual journey of purification into illumination, contemplation, and union. Silence
Silence Night, Holy Night: A Retreat for Advent Scriptures and mystical writings delving into the great themes of Advent to enrich the contemplative life. Silence
Breaking Free: Liberation through Interfaith Dialogue A look at issues we face in a pluralistic society and ways to transcend roadblocks to effective collaboration. Hospitality
Creating Sanctuary for Ourselves and Others An exploration of sacred space as both a personal boon and a cultural need that we all have a responsibility to fulfill. Nurturing