Project Overview
Elder Spirituality
An introduction to our curated content for elders and those who work with them and care for them.
On-Demand E-Course
Learning to Accept Grief as a Lifelong Companion
You are invited to follow lessons and stories in which your grief is welcomed.
Book Excerpt
The Spirituality of Age by Robert L. Weber, Carol Orsborn
A story from Margaret Mead that illustrates the value of the elderly to a society.
Children's Book
Grandma Rose's Magic by Linda Elovitz Marshall
A heartwarming children's story about a community showing its appreciation for an elderly woman's talent for sewing.
Intercessory Prayers and Your Medicines
Mary C. Earle's suggestions for how to connect with others taking the same medicines.
Art Reflection
Old Man in Prayer
Reflections on a painting of an elder engaged in wordless prayer of the heart.