Photo Galleries
12 is a number of completion and wholeness. There are 12 months in the year, 12 signs of the Zodiac, 12 inches in a foot, 12 tribes of Israel, 12 disciples of Christ, 12 steps, and more examples. Welcome to our collection of 12s galleries that invite you to explore spiritual practices and spiritual wisdom from all the world's religions. We plan to do one a month, at least 12 a year — and we welcome requests.
12 Adventure
Do you hear a call towards adventure? Here's inspiration to support your call to explore life and all it has to offer.
12 Animals
A trip to Kruger National Park in South Africa inspired this 12s on animals. Let this gallery guide you to a deeper appreciation for all the beings who share the Earth.
12 Attention
It's so easy to get lost in our daily routines and miss the wonder, beauty, and miracles that are all around. Paying attention brings all this and more back into focus.
12 Beauty
Try the spiritual practice of beauty when you need to be pulled out of your habitual way of seeing and being. This gallery is a good place to begin.
12 Being Present
The world's religions all recommend living in the moment with full awareness. Be here now, they say, because this moment is all there is and it will never come again.
12 Birthday
Every time Spirituality & Practice's birthday comes around on March 21, we think again about how we celebrate births and rebirths. Enjoy and share this gallery whenever a…
12 Compassion
Compassion, at the cornerstone of all religious traditions, is the ability to recognize, relate and identify with the emotions of others — to "suffer together with."
12 Connections
What mystics have always known has been confirmed by physics and ecology — all things are interconnected. Dueling dualisms are giving way to holistic thinking.
12 Courage
Looking for some inspiration? Some encouragement in a challenging time? Here are 12 uplifting quotes about courage to help you step out into a fuller way of living.
12 Creativity
Creativity isn't just about the "arts." It can turn up in some unlikely places. Best of all, creative expression is a way to practice our spirituality.