This toolkit consists of more than 260 classic and informal spiritual practices. The first thing that you will notice when scanning these lists is that there are many things here that you already do. That's because you are more spiritual than you probably think you are.
Spiritual practices are not activities to add to your busy schedule or crowded "to do" list. They are not confined to a special place or time. They are what you do every day. They are how you wake up and come alive to the spiritual reality all around you. Practice is the path we travel on our spiritual journey, so everything we do can be a practice.
Spirituality & Practice, with more than 65,000 web pages, has a lot of content on spiritual practices. For this toolkit, we have chosen one explanation for each of the tools. Some are articles, book reviews, or book excerpts; others are from our database of spiritual practice instructions.
We encourage you to scan through the list of tools in light of what is happening in your life today. Look for those that match your interests, challenges, hopes, values, and visions. Use the links to reach our curated content. Then, if you'd like more resources on that practice, click on "Search" at the top of the page and type in the word(s); you will see resources on that practice from all the sections of the website.
- Activism
- Adab
- Affirmations
- Aikido
- Altars/Shrines
- Amulets
- Ancestors
- Angels
- Animals
- Aroma Therapy
- Art
- Astrology
- Awareness of Death
- Balance
- Bathing
- Bearing Witness
- Bible Study
- Blessings
- Body Work
- Book of Common Prayer
- Bowing
- Breath Work
- Brush Meditation
- Candles
- Caregiving
- Celebrations
- Centering Prayer
- Chakras
- Chanting
- Chanting the Psalms
- Children's Spirituality
- Chores
- Circles
- Civility
- Clothing
- Coaching
- Community
- Commuting
- Confession
- Contemplation
- Conversation
- Courage
- Creating Sacred Space
- Creativity
- Crochet
- Daily Office
- Dancing
- Dark Night of the Soul
- Darshan
- Davening
- Dialogue
- Difficult Relationships
- Digital World
- Discernment
- Discussion/Study Groups
- Divination
- Divinization
- Divorce
- Drawing
- Dreams
- Drumming
- Eating
- Embodied Prayer
- Emotions
- Empathy
- Enneagram
- Equanimity
- Ethics
- Ethical Wills
- Everyday Spirituality
- Examen of Consciousness
- Failure
- Family
- Fasting
- Feng Shui
- Food
- Friendship
- Games
- Gardening
- Gathas
- Generosity
- Gift of Tears
- Giveaway
- Grandparenting
- Grief
- Guru Yoga
- Haiku
- Heart
- Healing
- Helping
- Herbs
- Hobbies
- Home
- Humility
- Humor
- Hymns
- Icons
- Ignatian Exercises
- Ikebana
- Illness
- Improvisation
- Imagery
- Integral Life
- Intentions
- Incense
- Intercessory Prayer
- Interspirituality
- Interpreting Signs
- Intuition
- Japanese Arts
- Jesus Prayer
- Journaling
- Karma
- Kirtan Chanting
- Kneeling
- Knitting
- Koans
- Labyrinth
- Laughter
- Learning
- Lectio Divina
- Legacy Work
- Letting Go
- Liturgical Year
- Loss
- Loving Enemies
- Lovingkindness
- Mandalas
- Mantras
- Marriage and Partnerships
- Martial Arts
- Massage
- Meditation
- Mealtime Graces
- Memories
- Mentoring
- Milagros
- Mind Training
- Mindfulness
- Monastic Life
- Money Stewardship
- Mudras
- Music
- Mussar
- Naikan
- Names of God
- Nature
- Nonviolence
- Not Knowing
- Obstacles
- Offerings
- Oracles
- Pain
- Painting
- Parenting
- Passing the Peace
- Passion
- Patience
- Pausing
- Perseverance
- Pets
- Photography
- Pilates
- Pilgrimage
- Place
- Plants
- Poetry
- Politics
- Positive Thinking
- Pottery
- Practicing the Presence of God
- Praise
- Prayer
- Prayer Beads
- Prayer Rugs
- Prayer Wheels
- Protests/Marches/Petitions
- Purification
- Reading
- Recovery
- Recycling
- Reframing
- Reflexology
- Rejoicing in the Happiness of Others
- Relationships
- Religious Holidays
- Religious Seasons
- Religious Symbols
- Remembrance of God/Zhikr
- Renunciation
- Repentance
- Repetition
- Resilience
- Respect
- Retreats
- Restorative Justice
- Resurrection
- Right Livelihood
- Rituals
- Rosary
- Rule of Life
- Running
- Sabbath
- Sacraments
- Sacred Texts
- Sacrifice
- Saints
- Sculpture
- Self-Care
- Self-Growth
- Self-Inquiry
- Serenity
- Service
- Sewing/Quilting
- Shambhala Training
- Senses
- Sexuality
- Shadow Work
- Shopping
- Sign of the Cross
- Singing
- Simplicity
- Sleeping
- Smiling
- Social Justice
- Solitude
- Soul Care
- Speech
- Spiritual Direction
- Sports
- Stress
- Storytelling
- Studying with a Teacher
- Suffering
- Surrender
- Synchronicity
- Tantra
- Tai Chi/Qi Gong
- Tea Ceremony
- Teaching
- Therapy
- Things
- Thrift
- Tikkun
- Time
- Tolerance
- Tonglen
- Totems
- Transitions
- Travel
- Vigils/Attending the Dying
- Virtues
- Vision Quest
- Visiting the Sick
- Vocation
- Volunteering
- Vows
- Wabi Sabi
- Walking
- Welcoming Strangers