Recent Spiritual Practices of the Day

Jewish Proverb in Sharing Wisdom Do not limit your children to your own learning
Malidoma Patrice Some in The Healing Wisdom of Africa Individuality, not individualism, is the cornerstone
Joan Chittister in Light in the Darkness Never fear periods of darkness in life
Brenda Dunne in Cybergrace I think that anthropomorphizing our machines
Sonam Rinchen in The Bodhisattva Vow By "not accepting invitations" we deprive
Jean Shinoda Bolen in Close to the Bone Insights from myth, dreams
Ron Miller in The Wisdom of the Carpenter Learn from those who are nearest to me
Jae Woong Kim in Polishing the Diamond, Enlightening the Mind In our monastery, we sleep with the lights on
Mavis and Merle Fossom in The More We Find in Each Other Mending is a good metaphor for daily spiritual
Shunryu Suzuki in Advent, Christmas and Epiphany When you do something, you should
Michael Grosso in Soulmaker Great dreams contain inexhaustible truths
Dawna Markova in I will Not Die an Unlived Life Befriending myself seems to be about
Heraclitus in Fragments The sun is new again
Gunilla Norris in Sharing Silence A room devoted to silence honors
Nelson Henderson in Songs of Joy The true meaning of life is
Dom Helder in Ponderings from the Precipice Accept surprises that upset your plans
Ryokan in When Things Fall Apart If you want to find the meaning
Paul Brunton in Zen Soup I have often been asked what I thought
Margaret Mead in How We Behave at the Feast Always remember that you are absolutely unique
George Fox in Plain Living Dispatch business quickly
Francis Bacon in The Artist's Way The job of the artist is always