Recent Quotes of the Day

Jim Wallis, Who Speaks for God? We must search for a spiritual politics suited to our own time
Hugh Prather, Shining Through Forgiveness truly is the key to happiness
Edward Espe Brown, Tomato Blessings and Radish Teachings If you want to come into your own, you will meet fiascoes
Joan Duncan Oliver, Happiness: How to Find It and Keep It Children laugh 300 times a day, adults just 17
Andrew Harvey, Dialogues with a Modern Mystic The very things we wish to avoid
Alan Watts, Myth and Religion The purpose of sexual play
Henri J. M. Nouwen, The Dance of Life Not being welcome is your greatest fear
Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan, Awakening People remain ignorant of the transcendent dimension of their being.
Clarice Bryan, Expect Nothing I am still learning to be a good friend
Philip Martin, The Zen Path through Depression Depression does seem to be an illness
Ronald Rolheiser, The Holy Longing The heavenly banquet table is open
Mother Teresa , Mother Teresa Prayer is as necessary as the air
Heraclitus , To Touch the Sky Bigotry is the disease
Lance Flitter, Jesus through Jewish Eyes An elderly Jewish woman ends up in a Catholic hospital
Sri Ramakrishna , Great Swan Why should I lead a monotonous spiritual life
Gary Zukav, Soul to Soul Meditations We live in a world of meaning
Edward Hays, Feathers on the Wind A mother has a special beauty in her eyes
Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, What's Right with Islam Spirituality is about learning to see like God
Piero Ferrucci, The Power of Kindness Forgiveness contains joy and faith in others
Joan Chittister, Songs of Joy The problem with jealousy
Matthew Fox, Confessions For creativity IS grace.
Daniel Homan, Lonni Collins Pratt, Radical Hospitality Boundaries allow us to give more to others
Donald Altman, Living Kindness To embrace living kindness is one of our greatest blessings
Pico Ayer, Releasing the Creative Spirit Silence is an ecumenical state
Thea Jarvis, Every Day Hospitality A conscious pursuit of hospitality can lead to sanctity
Christina Feldman, Silence The greatest teachers are those who have transcended fear